Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello everyone! This is my first blog! SO! My New Years Resoultion was to date a black guy. Funny right? Well I mean, I normally date latinos or something else. This is not because I dont LIKE other races...they just seem to be attracted TO ME more? Anyways! So let me tell you about TWO niggas I have recently met. You will find out WHY im calling them "niggas" very soon. This dude I met named Bryon. I met him at a bar and we hit it off (my fault for meeting at a bar, but this was your different kind of scene). Anyways, we had been chopping it up..nothing TOO SERIOUS. He came over once, I went over his place before spent the night a few times (NOTHING HAPPENED AT ALL MIND YOU). From the JUMP OFF I told him that I am a very busy lady with my two jobs and school and that will always come first. I told him I am always down for hanging out aslong as we plan it in advance that way I can try and rearrange my schedule for the week. I thought we had an undertsanding. So please tell me why one night I was getting off work one monday night and I had to come home and study for finals for the next day, he calls and asks to hang out. I told him that I didnt get off until 10:00 pm and that I needed to study for finals. He also asked me if I would bring him food and im like..uhh what part of NO did he not understand? So he copped and attitude and didnt call me for like two days. So then out of no where he is like..I am still mad but im waiting for you to make it up. Now the type of female that I am...I am not kissing no niggas ass unless I really did something wrong and need to make up for it. Anyways! We were supposed to hang out one saturday night and he said he made other plans. I wasnt trippen cause I wanted to do something else anyway. So later on he texts me telling me that he wanted to hang out but didnt want to drive back to Vancouver, WA and he didnt have alot of gas. OKAY story time out. So when I met dude he had a job..then got laid off...he is evicted from his crib due to "excessive noise" moved in with his homeboy in Vancouver, WA. Didnt pay his cellphone and to pay some court fees. TIME IN! Oh yeah I paid for GAS for him one time, bought food and paid for the club a drinks (I must have been ON one) SO anyways I text back like oh that sucks (Nigga u not sleeping at my crib) and I would help u out but im kinda broke (as in im not paying for ur gas again). SO he hits me up one tuesday morning. Its around 10:30 I have a doctores appointment at 2:00 I was cleaning the house till about 11 and he texts me to hang out (DID NOT PLAN IN ADVANCE LIKED I ASKED) and I told him im cleaning house and I needa get dressed and my friend is picking me up at 1:00 to take me to the doctors. Please tell me why time to hang out with him fits in? So he got all pissed off and started saying I am treating him like a chump. Im like okay?? If you feel that way PLEASE stop talking to me. I didnt know how to make this nigga happy so he can fall back. SO he starts going OFF talking about Im young and useless. Im not about shit...nothing is going on in my life...i needa get a car...make real money bllaaaahaa hahhh haa. IM LIKE *takes a deep breath* FUCK YOU NIGGA! and basicly ripped him apart on what HE is doing with his life! I also had to mention that he was just hurt so that was the reason for him lashing out. The part that got me the most was his GROWN MAN speech. Im not even going to get into because you will be reading for a good 15 minutes more. So skip some parts, I stopped talking to that NIGGA.
Our second NIGGA story:
SO! I went to The Lil' Rob concert on a friday! We went to the after party at some chill lounge near my crib. So im having a good time sipping on a few lil drinks and enjoying myself and this smooth pretty eyed nigga comes over and we start chatting. I get to know him a lil bit and he we exchange numbers. He is 25, just moved back to Oregon about 2 months ago, lives with his cousin and is trying to go back to school this spring and become a firefighter. So im like okay cool. He comes over my house sunday night and we watch some movies and eat some food and just chilling. We talked alot and had a good time or whatever. SO! the week passes by and im knocked out late friday night on some nyquil because I do not feel well. It is between 3 and 4am and my phone is just going bizerk! I finally wake up because the person keeps calling and I am thinkin that it is an emergency or something. So I answer, and there is a woman voice on the other line and says "ARE YOU TALKING TO ROBERT? ARE YOU TALKING TO ROBERT?" Im like "Robert who?" (I know atleast 5 roberts ) lol. Then she starts reading off that niggas number. IM like yeah I know him, whats up? She says well this is his girlfriend and we have a daughter together. Im like Oh okay, well im sorry to hear that? I had no idea. So she changes her tone up and starts ripping this nigga and asking me all kinds of questions. Then i hear this nigga walk in the room and tell her to get off the phone and that is is between them two and not me (which is true) but all the things she said...had me DIEIN! Im just like WOO this nigga tried to TRICK ME! Anwyays I tried to keep this story kind of short cause I got tired :)

1 comment:

  1. LoL Stick to latinos and white men. If that is your preference then you're going to be attracted to the wrong type of black man. It's just like black men who like white women trying to find a black woman they're compatible too - not going to happen. I mean I'd holla but that's a different story entirely... lol
